Welcome to the Stockport Safeguarding Children Partnership

Find our latest news and information

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Find out more about coronavirus and what we’re doing to safeguard our vunerable children, staff and volunteers.

Child abuse or neglect

Do not ignore it:

  • call 0161 217 6028 – Monday to Thursday from 8.30am to 5pm, Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm
  • or 0161 718 2118 – evenings and weekends

Multi-agency response to need

Read our updated document for guidance to ensure families get the right level of advice, support, and response at times of need.

Greater Manchester eCDOP

From the 1 April 2021, all child death notifications must be reported electronically via the Greater Manchester eCDOP system.

Children affected by Domestic Abuse Conference 2020

Presentation from the conference which was held on 6 March 2020 at Stockport Town Hall.

Trapped - The criminal exploitation of children

Recognising and preventing the grooming of children and vulnerable adults from committing criminal acts.

Hidden phones: managing emergency government alerts

The government is rolling out a new Emergency Alerts system. A test alert will be sent on Sunday 23 April 2023. The alerts will be used to tell you about emergency situations through your mobile phone or tablet. However, the alert will be accompanied by a loud 10-second sound even if your device is on silent. Your mobile phone or tablet does not have to be connected to mobile data or Wi-Fi to get alerts.

If you have a secret mobile phone hidden from an abusive partner, follow the instructions in the video made by Refuge. The video explains how the siren can be disabled by switching off these emergency alerts in your settings app, both on Android and Apple devices.

Children drawing

Children and Young People

Useful information and projects about internet safety, bullying, domestic abuse and more.

Parents with their children


Useful information and resources around online safety, sexual exploitation and domestic abuse.

An upset girl hugging an adult


Find information and links on the training we offer, our policies and procedures, the Stockport Family Early Help Assessment and conferences.

A professional holding out a piece of paper to a smiling family

Policies and Procedures

Access to Stockport specific procedures and Greater Manchester Safeguarding Procedures.

A professional holding out a piece of paper to a smiling family


Find out more about our current priorities; neglect, domestic abuse, transitions and complex safeguarding.


A man writing on a piece of paper


Multi-agency training offers opportunities for workers from different agencies.

Safeguarding in Early Years

The Early Years Training Programme provides a range of essential safeguarding courses for Childminders and staff working with children in early years settings.

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