About us

The Stockport Safeguarding Children Partnership was launched in June 2019 to replace the Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCB).

Following changes created by the Children and Social Work Act (2017), new safeguarding arrangements were needed to oversee the effectiveness of multi-agency safeguarding activity.  Within Stockport the Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP) was launched in June 2019.

Who we are

This new partnership consists of 3 statutory partners:

  1. Stockport Council
  2. Greater Manchester Police
  3. NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group

These core partners have developed new arrangements with wider local partners to undertake the following functions:

  • apply challenge and scrutiny to multi-agency safeguarding practice#
  • produce annual effectiveness reports that provide an insight into the arrangements activity and impact
  • identify and conduct serious child safeguarding practice reviews

Child abuse or neglect

Do not ignore it:

  • call 0161 217 6028 – Monday to Thursday from 8.30am to 5pm, Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm
  • or 0161 718 2118 – evenings and weekends

Our vision

To work in partnership to support and safeguard the people of Stockport to enable them to live safe, healthy and, where possible, independent lives.  Our new arrangements seek to promote the safety and welfare of all children in Stockport, in addition to continuing to lead in the well-established area of child protection for those who are vulnerable.

Our aims for the next 3 years:

  • develop local policies and procedures
  • audit and evaluate how well local services work together to protect children
  • ensure agreement across agencies about operational definitions and thresholds
  • improve local ways of working and to ensure lessons learned are acted upon
  • undertake case reviews
  • improve the quality of child protection work through inter agency training and development
  • raise awareness within the wider community of the need to safeguard children and promote their welfare.

As the arrangements develop more information will become available.  If you need more information email the SSCP support team: lsb@stockport.gov.uk

Strategic information document


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